Live Stream Questionnaire Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Name of Organization *Organization Contact Name *Contact email *What is the overall goal of your event? (i.e. fundraising, awareness, audience engagement, entertainment, etc.) *When is/are the show day/dates? (if exact date is not settled, just provide a probable time frame) *How long is the show (per day)? *How many virtual presenters (live presenters from different remote locations)? *How many live on-site presenters? *If your event includes on-site presenters, would you like teleprompters?Do you wish to include pre-recorded video or audio content during your event? *Do you need video production service? If so, for what types of videos (i.e. ads, promos, testimonials)? *Do you have an in-house or contracted graphics person who will provide assets? *Will you need powerpoint slides created? *Do you need live closed captioning/translation/sign language? *How many virtual attendees do you foresee? *Does your event include a live auction? If so, what auction provider are you currently contracting with (if any)? *What donation platform are you currently using? *Do you need internal or external security (i.e. is your event intended to be fully public or require a login, etc.)? *What are some good days/times you would be available to hop on a conference call to discuss your event "in-person"?Add any additional information you would like to initially provide to us here, thank you.NameSubmit